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We are committed to caring for the land that feeds us.

Root to Table is dedicated to feeding our clients in the most sustainable and regenerative way possible. We are committed to sourcing high quality ingredients from reputable sources. To avoid food waste, we buy only what we need for a given cook day. All plastics, cardboard, glass, metal and paper products are recycled and any food scraps are composted using

Black Earth Compost.


We recommend our clients invest in reusable Pyrex containers for their in-home meal service, however, any packaging provided is recyclable and/or compostable. We also strongly encourage our customers to add composting to their daily routine. Reach out to Black Earth Compost for a $5 discount! 

Ask about our Shop Local Package and Farm to Table Dinners, including seasonal produce and meat straight from your community! 

Nourish your body while supporting your local economy! 

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